Tuesday, 24 October 2017

mixedmedia shadow box 'adventure'

hi everyone iam here with an inspiration post..I made a mixed media Shadow box "adventure"

I took a mdf square shadow box measure 6*6 sanded the box roughly clean it neatly with out any dust . gessoed box with papericous black heavy gesso once it dry .I have used brick stencil with prima sand textured past to add some texture inside and outside of the box.added embellishments and used a cardboard with twine around it and stick to base again gessoed everything ,once dry started adding colours used prima art alchemy lightgold,aged bronze and some acrylic colours burntseneria, perssion blue, white, until I am happy with the out come

Materials usedMdf shadow boxMdf gear embellishmentsPrima sand texture pastePrima art alchemy waxsPrima typobulbBrick stencilPapericous heavy black gessoAcrylic paints- burntseneria, Persian blue, white, yellowTwine
All above mentioned products are available in rainbowcraftykari store or you can pre-order
Hope my project inspires you ...Happy crafting

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